Something Bo might write to Larry at the end of the book:
Hey Lar. This was a pretty good year for me. I’ve learned to control my anger and I haven’t called Redmond an asshole since that first time. That’s quite an accomplishment. I beat that stupid Wyrack, too. What a jerk. I’m proud of how hard I trained for Ironman Jack’s. I think I did really well. It landed me with a book deal with you. I couldn’t do any better? Actually it could, my girlfriend, Shelly, is amazing. My grades probably could be better but it doesn’t really matter because I’m just going wherever she is for college. I might not even go to college. It depends on where Shelly’s career as an American Gladiator takes her.
Catch ya later,
The Brewster
I’m not sure I really like Bo. He’s sort of funny but sometimes he’s trying to be funny and he’s just not. I’m not sure I really like anybody. Hmmm. Oh! Mr. N. He’s pretty cool. Well, I liked him better before he explained all about his accident and all. That was depressing. So, someone else I liked… I sort of liked Mr. S but then the part when Bo goes back to swimming with the team and he’s all like “Bo, that really hurt man.” =/ Weirdo. I didn’t like Hudgie. That’s probably mean but he really freaked me out. I totally would have left the room if he was freaking out. It’s a good thing I’m not a teacher like Mr. N, because I wouldn’t be able to help anyone.
Mr. Crutcher doesn’t really talk about politics in the book. Religion either. Maybe he didn’t want his book to be too controversial but then why write about all the other important issues? I don’t think that’s it. I think he probably just didn’t care. But if he did and he was planning to write about them and he just didn’t then maybe he thought that would turn teens off of his book. =/ I don’t know. I don’ t really know why I wrote about this. Whatever.
Why did Crutcher choose to make Bo a triathlete? Who knows. Maybe he wanted to write about more than one sport. Maybe he wanted to have Mr. S in it without Bo being just a swimmer. Maybe he’s a triathlete himself, I haven’t looked it up or anything. =/ Maybe he wanted Bo’s training to be really intense so he could show Bo’s anger through his vigorous exercise.
Hey i really liked how you wrote something that he would say. I think in writing that you connected with the character alot more. I do agree with you though on not likeing him. I think he is very annoying and needs to grow up alot. You and me can connect with the character thought because we both do sports that make each of us push ourself even when we dont want to be there which is alot of the time hahaha but what ever. I really like the blog you did though have fun finishing your webdsite!! :P
Ya, I just changed that one journal we did. Remember? Anyway, I'm not really interested in connecting with the character because I don't really want to think about him too much. Ugh. I totally agree on the the annoyingness and how he needs to grow up. He's all cocky and "Oh, look at me. Huh huh huh." OK, maybe not exactly like that but close enough you know? Dude, sometimes practice is the best part of my day. It's like a drug or something. Maybe it's the chlorine. If I work hard enough to forget everything then it's my escape. I'm a creep. OK. I will sooo have fun with my website. Especially the research on aggression. I was reading about it and I learned a new word: physiological, I think. I don't know what it means but it's really fun to say. It took me and Kyra like ten minutes to figure it out. We're cool.
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