

Ironman by Chris Crutcher is about a teenage triathlete named Bo who has anger issues. He calls his teacher, Mr. Redmond, an asshole and has to attend anger management classes or he’ll be suspended for a month. Throughout the novel he’s training for Yukon Jack’s, a big triathlon near his home. He meets a girl, Shelly, in Anger Management and starts going out with her. She challenges a college student, Wyrack, to make up a team and race Bo. In the end Bo learns how to control his anger and beats Wyrack’s team.


Clark Fork, Washington

Character Description:

Beauregard Brewster (Bo): Physically fit, skinny teenager
Ellen Brewster: Bo’s mother
Elvis: Bully in AM (Anger Management)
Hudgie: Mentally unstable kid in AM
Ian Wyrack: College swimmer
Jordan Brewster: Bo’s little brother
Keith Redmond: English teacher and football coach at Clark Fork High
Lionel Serbousek: Journalism teacher at Clark Fork High and swim coach for Clark Fork University
Lucas Brewster: Bo’s controlling dad, owns a sporting goods store
Noboru Nakatani: Japanese cowboy, in charge of the anger management group
Shelly: Buff girl in AM
Shuja: Black kid in AM

Character Development:

Bo: Learns to control his anger and tries to resolve his problems with his dad
Elvis: Realizes that he is becoming more like his dad and tries to be nicer
Ian Wyrack: Lost to Bo in the triathlon
Lionel Serbousek: Helps Bo with some of his personal problems
Lucas Brewster: Realizes that he may be wrong in controlling his son's life and tries to be less strict
Noboru Nakatani: Goes back to Texas to deal with his children's deaths


Anonymous said...

wat are the main problems

Anonymous said...

what was the climax??

Anonymous said...

who's is larry

Anonymous said...

Larry is obviously a person Bo is writing to. I had the same question, but Larry(Larry King) is a talk show host--but he talks about more serious topics.